2012年11月12日 星期一


第10號證據 2004年
In 2004 scientists examined areas of the sky, which had previously emitted mysterious radio signals.Only one had gotten stronger, and could perhaps be intelligent life trying to contact others.
第9號證據 2001年
In 2001, further calculations of the 1960s "Drake theory" suggested that there are hundreds of thousands of planets in our galaxy that have the conditions to support life.
第8號證據 2001年
2001 studies suggested that the red tinge of Jupiter's moon Europa could be a result of feozen bacteria, also explaining the infrared signal it emits.
第7號證據 2003年
In 2003, Sulphur traces on Jupiter's moon Europa suggested alien life, and a volcanically warmed ocean below the moon's surface which was supporting it.
第6號證據 2002
2002 studies into Venus's odd atmosphere suggested that life could exist in its clouds. The presence of Carbonyl Sulphide, which is not known in any inorganic process, was espencially strange.
2002年對古怪的金星大氣層的研究顯示,生命可以在其中生存。 如果沒有生命的話,那裡出現羰化硫是非常令人奇怪的。
第5號證據 2002年
In 2002, Russuan scientists found a microbe that could survive an astonishing amount of radiation. Building this resilience would take billions of years on earth, so may have originated from Mars.
第4號證據 1996年
In 1996, a meteorite of Martian rock in Antarctica showed fossilized signs of nanobacteria.
第3號證據 1977年
In 1977, Ohio State University picked up a pulse so surprising it was dubbed the "Wow" signal. Coming from 220 million light years away, it is possible it was a powerful alien transmitter.
第2號證據 2004年
In 2004, three groups detected Methane in the Martian atmosphere. On earth, living organisms produce nearly all methane.
第一號證據 1976年
In 1976 the Viking Lander's team claimed to find chemical evidence of life in Martian soil. It appeared something was metabolizing nutrients, and releasing radioactive gas.

